Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Principle of the First Step

I remember when each of my three children took their first steps. I remember how important it was for me that they accomplish this feat. Karen and I would stand them up, holding their hands and then gently step back and invite them to come to us. At first they would immediately sit down and crawl. We never scolded them for that. We simply kept repeating the process until one day they finally took their first steps.

Why was this process and its eventual success so important to us as parents? Because we knew without any reservation that unless they learned to walk, they would never be able to live their life and accomplish all that we hoped for them and taking their first steps was critical to that goal.

This Sunday we are going to look at this first step concept in our relationship with God and His goals for us. Whether we have known Jesus for years or just recently invited Him into our lives, the first-step concept continues to apply as we pursue following Him. Peter had to take that first step out of the boat in order to have any hope of obeying Jesus and walking on water.

A great example of the first step principle is found in Mark 9:22-24. A father’s son is possessed by an evil spirit. The father says to Jesus, "If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." Jesus responds, "If you can? Everything is possible for him who believes." The father immediately responds, ‘I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief." Maybe that is your struggle with taking your first steps? Maybe you feel your faith is not strong enough yet. Maybe you have doubts and worries. The good news is that our first steps do not require high levels of clarity and certainty. We can be successful with taking first steps in the midst of our doubts and fear. As we step out of our boats, we can ask God to help us with our unbelief.

What hinders you from taking your first steps? In what areas of your life do you need to take those first steps?

Matthew 8 – Jesus calms the storm
Deuteronomy 31 –God says be strong and courageous
Joshua 3 – God requires a first step

The First Step Principle Says:
  • If You Want To Walk On Water, You Need To Be Willing To First Get Your Feet Wet.
  • If You Want To Walk On Water You Need To Expand Your Spiritual Comfort Zone.

Indicators of Where to Take Your First Step
  • Where you are afraid,
  • Where you are frustrated,
  • Where you are compassionate,
  • Where you are burdened to pray.

Matthew 14:22-33

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